Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter - Sept 2003 PRESIDENT - Farley Phillips - VICE PRESIDENT - Vic Jines - SECERETARY - Gene Lewis TREASURER - BC Kistler EDITOR - Jimmy Lyon - Tel. (225) 753-4637 ( ( NOTICE - The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday Sept 2nd at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM Three new members were elected to membership, at the August 5th Meeting. They are: Ed Tonguis who was a charter member when the club was organized, in 1962. He may be a bit rusty and need some help to get his wings back. Taylor Tonguis (Ed's grandson) who is a beginner, and definitely needs help. He is a student at Baton Rouge Magnet High School. Greg Razos, also a member of the Red Stick Club, is an attorney in Baton Rouge. Make yourself know to them and make them feel welcome and at home! Glen gave us a really good presentation on making foam wings. I did not realize that the guides had to be so smooth and nearly perfect or the cutter would drag over the foam. This technique would be good for cutting just about anything from foam. There are several people who have 'opted out' of receiving the printed newsletter to receive it on the web or by e-mail. Anyone that wishes to be removed from the mailing list can still email me or I will have a special signup sheet at the meeting. I want to make sure I don't accidentally remove someone from the list. It is easy to press delete, not so easy to add back. I hope that we have all survived the 'so big' worm. It has played havoc with my e-mail sending me lots of copies of itself. I did not know I was so popular in infected people's computers. Remember DO NOT RUN email attachments no matter who they are from. Bad thing with 'so big' is that the name of the email sender is not the person that sent it out. Flying has been pretty good this month despite the rain and wind. Looks like this Saturday is the Cub fly-in. Lets all come out and show a good time. Other upcoming events: Saturday September 6 Cub day. Saturday September 27 Family day. This is the remaining list of presentations for the end of the meetings. Park Flyers James Bently Gasoline Engines Charles Dedon / Willard Beard Foam Cutting Glenn Gresens Gluing Techniques A. B. White If you have anything that you would like to see or present step up and let us know. It does not have to take up a full half-hour.